Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Carey: A new mom making health a priority

Meet Carey, who in this picture was at the hospital.  In her words, this is her in "203 pounds of glory" ready to give birth to Jack.

Carey asked me to give her some exercises she could do at home to get back to an appropriate weight after Jack was born.

Along with going to the gym when possible, Carey has been also doing what she can at home. Fitting in movement when Jack is sleeping and learning how it fits in to her new life, etc.

Carey is doing well.  "I'm at 166 now.  I think the gym hasn't helped with losing a lot of weight yet but it is helping to tone me up."

She's also checking in to local moms groups.  I introduced her to FitCity Indy. They have great support for moms, which will be important for Carey as she continues her new life with her family.

"I actually zipped and buttoned a pair of pre pregnancy jeans on Friday! I was very excited about it" she says.  "They were too tight to wear comfortably still so that's my next goal- to wear them comfortably for a day."  Great goal!

Did I mention Carey & I live 2,000 miles apart?  She's in Indy, I'm in Yuma but we're making it work.  She's doing her part & I'm simply giving a little encouragement, maybe a few ideas on how to keep on track.

Carey's dedication shows that no matter what the circumstances you can always improve your health.  It's not easy having a new born.  But don't wait. Do it now.  Take time, even a few minutes every day, to keep healthy.

Are you going to take a cue from Carey?  If a new mom can do it, you can do it!  We're here to help if you need us, no matter where you live.

Do you have a story?  Let's hear it!  Leave a comment & encourage others.

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