Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hidden blessings

I was watching a show that had a young girl with chronic pain so bad that her doctors prescribed so much pain medicine that she continuously overdosed. It was really tragic to see.

I think of people like this girl and others that have terrible illness and I'm so thankful for the health I have. I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue, which has been life changing. But, not all in a bad way. Through this illness, I've learned how blessed I am! I enjoy every day I can get up, work, exercise and live my life. Some people can't.

I am so thankful that I can go for a run. Some people can't. I'm not fast and because of my illness, it's really tough. I don't see a lot of progress. I have to work a lot harder to reach my goals. But I can work. I CAN run, bike, swim, jump. Some people can't.

My doctor told me it would be like starting from scratch every time I workout. He was not that far off target. But since my diagnosis, I've been able to run half marathons, do countless sprint triathlons, an Olympic distance triathlon, mountain bike all over creation, and now I'm planning on my first half Ironman triathlon! What a gift! Do you feel like exercising and health is a gift?

I learned that most people with my 'condition' are considered disabled. They have trouble holding down a job. I'm my own boss, so I'm able to control my working hours. If I'm feeling ill and need a nap, I can take it. What a blessing!

So, on days I'm feeling bad about myself because I don't run fast or see much progress, I think of that. On days I don't feel like running because I'm tired or lazy, I think of the people who would give anything just to get up and walk for a few minutes. Those are the days I put on my running shoes and thank God for a body that can do it.

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